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December 07, 2007


Hej Lotta!

Fick en påminnelse om Magmas julmarknad av dej, klickade in här och upp kom ett fint kort med domherrarna.
Agnes satt bredvid datorn och brast direkt ut: Vad fint, mamma!

Kram och hoppas ni har det bra!

Gorgeous. God Jul!

Tjusigt! :)

the birds are called "dompfaff" or "gimpel" over here in germany

Thanks to everyone for the sweet words and God Jul :)

Dirk: they are called "domherre" in Swedish. Adrian think it sounds like "dum herre" (stupid gentleman).

funny - because "gimpel" just describes someone stupid

Dirk: swedish - german same same :)

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